I’ve barely had a moment to sit down and write a blog about this tour yet!
Dana Marie and I have had so much fun so far! We began on Saturday night with a house concert at our host’s house (Celine) in Montreal. We could not imagine having a more amazing host! Celine has been wonderful…feeding us, making us feel at home, getting to know us, and praying with us. The most encouraging thing about this trip so far is meeting Christians who you can connect with on a spiritual level without any pretence. You can talk openly and freely about the Lord, and there is such a sweet communion that it makes you excited about all the people you will meet again in heaven!
House Concert (Saturday, May 17)
Dana and I set up our equipment in the basement for the concert. We started out with a couple worship songs and then shared a few of our own songs as well. We had about 17 guests there, and we had some great conversations with some of them during our intermission. A couple of our songs that were well received were Dana Marie’s “You Are Mine“, a beautiful song presented from God’s point of view towards us, and my song “O Love That Will Not Let Me Go“, which I wrote during a period of brokenness. God is so tender towards his children, and loves us with an unfailing, relentless love. It’s such a joy for me and Dana to share these songs God has given us!
Sunday morning worship and evening concert (Sunday, May 18)
Dana and I crashed Saturday night and slept soundly until the morning! We had to wake up fairly early in order to be at People’s Church of Montreal by 8:30am. We led worship for 2 services, and had the opportunity to meet a lot of encouraging people! The associate pastor, Chris, delivered an incredible message about what the church is all about. That man has such a gift, even at the young age of 26. It was inspiring to see how passionate he is about God and how committed he is to the church as a body of believers. Again, I was so encouraged to see how God is moving in different places!
The concert on Sunday evening was a little bit stressful, because we got caught in traffic, and then when we came back, we realized we had to set up our instruments again. We didn’t realize there would be another group at the church in between the morning and evening service, so we were a little late in starting, and there was also a problem with the one monitor, so it got us off to a bit of a rocky start. However, God works all things together for our good (Romans 8:28)! Although Satan might try to discourage us or cause us to be ineffective, we know that these challenges build perseverance, character, and hope (Romans 5:3-4). We had a chance at the end to chat with a few of the people who came, and pastor Chris invited us to come back on Wednesday evening to lead worship for the young adults group! So I’m looking forward to that!
Touring Old Montreal (Monday, May 19)

Notre Dame de Montreal
It was so refreshing to be able to sleep in on Monday after such a long and busy weekend! The sun was shining, and it was so beautiful outside. We decided to head to Old Montreal and do some sight-seeing. My favourite part of this time was spending some time in Notre Dame Cathedral. It was BREATH-TAKING! I’ve been to Spain and Austria, and have seen some spectacular sights. This cathedral was as beautiful as the cathedrals I saw in those countries. Many times Dana and I said to each other that it feels like we’re in a different country! I’m not Catholic, but I so enjoyed how the beauty of the cathedral led me to worship the majesty and splendour of God. I entered the prayer room and got down on my knees and prayed. It was such a special time to me, meeting with my Jesus in a place dedicated to prayer. I am seeking Him for more passion for Him and His kingdom, and more of an outpouring of His Holy Spirit in my life, so that the fruit of the Spirit will overflow in my life.
Dana and I are going to be spending the next few nights at a different lady’s house in Lavalle. We will be doing a Friday concert at Grace Ministries Hall, then a Saturday morning breakfast and Sunday morning service both at Southshore Community Church. So glad all the people here speak English!
Thanks for taking the time to read this, and I’ll write another blog in a couple days!
P.S. To get to know Dana Marie a bit more (and hear her lovely voice), check out her website! www.danamariemusic.com