Worship Begins with Desperation

Dear friends,

I’ve been on an exciting journey the past few months. It’s a journey into the depths and heights of the God of Universe…that infinite cavern filled with light so bright, so pure, so holy. I must make the decision every day, every hour, every moment to pursue the depths of the knowledge of my Saviour Jesus Christ. I’ll admit it’s not always easy, and often – annoyingly often – I have to stir up my heart to remember my first love, and to warm up to this beautiful pursuit. But let me back up…

As Christians, painful times will come our way. No one is exempt from pain. In fact, Jesus promised His followers that “in this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). Pain comes in many different forms, and from many different causes. I went through a serious time of grieving from around Christmastime until recently. In fact, it’s hard to say when it “ended”, because it didn’t end suddenly. So in my time of grieving, I felt like I would die from the emotional pain. I wasn’t alone, but I wasn’t able to truly receive comfort from any person. Many times I collapsed on the floor in my bedroom, and could only weep, crying out for God as my “Daddy”. A few times I remember telling Him I couldn’t take any more pain. But somehow I kept going. And my Father God never left me.

Through this time of grieving, I experienced such a desperation for God and God alone. It went deeper than I’ve ever experienced before. For this reason, I’m thankful for the pain I went through, and would not trade it for months of peace and happiness.

God brought me to a new place of worship. My mind is overwhelmed when I try to think about how to describe what worship is. But one thing I know for certain is that all human beings were created to worship. And I also know for certain that nothing…nothing…NOTHING can ever satisfy a person except for worship of the only God through Jesus Christ our Lord. It amazes, excites and even baffles me a bit that when we are truly emptied of ourselves…including our desires and dreams (no matter how righteous they are), and when we with child-like faith lift our eyes up in simple adoration of the Person Jesus Christ, we are complete. We are home. Peace. Joy. Fulfillment.

I pray that you who read this would be encouraged in your pain. I pray that you would not run from pain or hardship or trouble. Run to Jesus! Don’t ever give up. Become desperate for His word, and don’t stop reading, praying, pursuing Him until you receive an answer from heaven.

Blessings galore,
